Zach Patrick, DO
US Navy (enlisted) and US Air Guard (officer) veteran, Board Certified Emergency Physician, Fire/EMS Medical Director, Science Geek, painter of tiny things, table top game enthusiast, advocate of a healthy lifestyle and evidence based science, antagonist of the’ Wooo’.
Caring for others has always been a part of my life, from humble beginnings as a lifeguard in highschool, search and rescue in the Navy, EMT on ambulances and eventually a Physician, I have strived to do what is best for those I care for. My curiosity for the world has always drawn me to science and it is a passion I still actively engage in today. I apply this scientific curiosity and, importantly, critical rigor to my care of patients.
I have experienced medicine through the lens of the Emergency Department, caring for multiple communities across Texas over the past decade. Through this I have seen the failings of our current healthcare ‘system’ and experienced the frustrations of just trying to do the right thing for each patient.
I often take the time to explain and educate my patients and their family even during busy shifts in the ER. I can not count the number of times I have been told “No one ever explained it to me” or “You’re the first doctor to hear and understand”. This is just one of many examples of how our current healthcare system has seriously failed both patients and caused moral injury to the physicians attempting to do what is right for them.
I’ve chosen to significantly change the course of my career and life by focusing on providing high quality care in an environment that allows the best patient doctor relationship. Free from the dictates of business administrators who’s only guidance is shareholder profits and not actual patient care.
In every Emergency DepartmentI have worked in I have regularly received what I believe to be one of the highest compliments from patients and family “ Do you have an office, can you be my regular doctor?”. Now I can answer “Yes”.
I was born and raised on the central coast of California, the land of hippies and surfers. I joined the US Navy immediately after high school, a rare thing in my hometown. After four years of service, in which I saw different parts of the US and the world, experienced diverse cultures, pushed myself mentally and physically through aircrew, SERE and rescue swimmer training, I ended up in San Diego, CA.
I attended the Community College system while working full time as an IT Network Engineer, and part time as aircrew in the US Navy Reserves. I graduated from CSU - San Marcos, then Des Moines University college of Osteopathic Medicine (along with being commissioned in the Air National Guard), followed by my Emergency Medicine Residency in rural western Pennsylvania.
Throughout all that time I was active in competitive triathlon racing and then Road Cycling.
My professional interests are holistic health and preventative care, mental health, nutrition, evidenced based medicine, and debunking pseudoscience practices.
UNDERGRADUATE: California State University - San Marcos (2004)
MEDICAL SCHOOL: Des Moines University COM (2008)
RESIDENCY: Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center - Emergency Medicine (2012)